How the soul moves the body, and what is the origin of the animal’s motion
It remains, then, to inquire the way in which the soul moves the body, and what is the origin of the animal’s motion. For…
It remains, then, to inquire the way in which the soul moves the body, and what is the origin of the animal’s motion. For…
If indeed imagination is that in virtue of which we say that an image comes about to us and not as when we say…
Of things some are (exist) by nature, others from other causes (e.g. art, chance, etc.).
We say that substance is one of the genera of things (Aristotle’s ten categories), and that it is divided (as simple) into two parts:…
When things have only a name in common and the definition of being which corresponds to the name is different, they are called homonymous.…
If people are asked today “What is more important love or friendship?”, most of them reply “love”, defining it as a selfless feeling and…