What verb is
A verb is that which additionally signifies time, no part of it is separately significant. And it is a sign of things said of…
A verb is that which additionally signifies time, no part of it is separately significant. And it is a sign of things said of…
Α name, then, is a sound significant by convention without time, of which no part is separately significant. For in ‘Fairhorse’ the ‘horse’ does…
According to what a refutation is and which are the aims of sophists Aristotle in Sophistical Refutations says: First we must consider the aims…
Of things that are, some are said of a subject, and are not in a subject, e.g. man is said of a subject, the…
With regard to rebutting an accusation, one way is to attempt wherefrom you could dispel the bad impression formed of yourself; for it makes…
There are three things which one must have in order to be credible; for this much is the number of those by which we…
The persuasive means of a rhetorical speech are of three kinds. One party is situated on the moral character of the speaker, another on…
The kinds of rhetoric art are three in number; for this much is the number of the listeners of rhetorical speeches too. A rhetorical…
The differences, by virtue of which things are different from one another, should be considered in two ways.
An absurdity (from the Greek word topazo meaning guess, assume) is what one may not assume in that it cannot be grasped by a certain…